Here you will find all announcements and reports on our activities.

San Francisco Public Library as guest
New chapter in the partnership between Kiel and San Francisco During the visit of Maureen Singleton and Michael Lambert from the San Francisco University of Technology, they were united in their love of books and libraries.

Augmented reality solution wins Digital Challenge
For ten days, almost 50 students worked intensively on business models and visions. True to the motto of the Digital Challenge 2023: Innovate my business. The result: great ideas around

Reverse Pitch 2023
When challenges meet solutions The Reverse Pitch enters the next round. Together with the Waterkant Festival, we are once again networking SMEs and start-ups in a very practical way. The idea: In a

The Digital Challenge 2023: Innovate my Business Model
The future of business belongs to those who are brave enough to question and change existing business models. The Digital Challenge 2023 under the motto "Innovate my Business Model"

Think big about innovative business ideas!
High-flyer start-ups 2023 chosen Great joy for Laromed, Lambda9, Nascit as well as Plantobelly, lvlup!HR and Epic AI. The six young companies made it through to the final of the 5th Überflieger competition and are looking forward to

High-flyer Business Lounge 2023
Speed pitching and networking above the rooftops of Kiel - Überflieger Business Lounge brings start-ups and supporters together At this year's Überflieger Business Lounge, all applicants of the 5th Überflieger competition met

Students from San Francisco visit Kiel
On July 4, 2023, the time had finally come: the students of the German International School of Silicon Valley (GISSV) landed at Hamburg Airport after a seven-hour delay. Despite the turbulent

Lighthouse Swim Kiel 2023
The Lighthouse Swim has firmly established itself in Kiel's event calendar. For Saturday, July 8, 2023, around 200 athletes have registered to take on the sporting challenge and at the same time enjoy a joint swim.

Power hack 2023
The Kieler KräfteHack: solutions for the shortage of skilled workers The Kieler KräfteHack, a successful cooperation between the Kieler Nachrichten and the knk Group, took place on July 6 and 7, 2023 at the