What is behind the American U-turn? In a fast-paced keynote speech, Dr. Kai Westerwelle showed what goals the Trump administration has for the US domestic market, what role international economic relations play in this, but also how diverse the perspectives are in a country as large as the USA.
Answers and ideas on how to deal with the dynamic situation were provided yesterday by a panel from the worlds of business, science and politics at the fully booked InnoPier. Reinhold von Eben-Worlée and Thomas Naß discussed with Julia Carstens, Prof. Dr. Rolf J. Langhammer, Prof. Dr. Christian Berg and Dr. Kai Westerwelle how the German and especially the Schleswig-Holstein economy and politics can reposition themselves:
- look behind the scenes instead of reacting to every announcement by the Trump administration
- Strengthening Europe to reflect on and trust in its own strengths and values
- Understanding and using change as a driver of innovation
- Trust in entrepreneurial action and reduce bureaucracy
- become active in the areas where we can influence something
- win those who want to work with us instead of looking at those who are against us
- conclude bilateral trade agreements with countries in which the USA is not active
- Use and expand international business networks outside of politics
As The Bay Areas, we are very pleased about the new partnership with Kai Westerwelle and the German American Business Association, which adds another facet to our diverse connections between Kiel / Schleswig-Holstein and the Bay Area around San Francisco. Personal contacts and joint projects demonstrate the strength of transatlantic relations even in politically uncertain times.
A joint event with Kieler Wirtschaftsförderungs- und Strukturentwicklungs GmbH and InnoPier. (Photos: Jan Konitzki)