Northern Germany Innovation Office

Digital future for northern German companies

The Northern Germany Innovation Office (NGIO) opens up access to Silicon Valley for medium-sized companies from northern Germany. Conversely, it also supports American companies that are interested in investing.

The Northern Germany Innovation Office is supported by the federal states of Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg and Bremen,
The Office is supported by the Schleswig-Holstein state capital Kiel and northern German companies. The implementation of the Office is the responsibility of Wirtschaftsförderung und Technologietransfer Schleswig-Holstein GmbH (WTSH).

The NGIO shows which technology trends are relevant, which innovation methods can be transferred and how disruptive business models can be developed. This acquisition of new ways of thinking and the associated tools are the key to successful change in established companies and public administration.

The Bay Areas e.V. is the idea generator and initiator for the Northern Germany Innovation Office and brought the players together for the realization of the project. The NGIO is looking forward to more North German companies taking part in the project.

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In the brewery quarter 5
D-24118 Kiel