First ÜBERFLIEGER competition launched

Nationwide start-up competition starts The application phase runs until May 31, 2018: Winning start-ups will travel to San Francisco and Silicon Valley.

Schleswig-Holstein is to become a start-up state. Innovative ideas are to conquer the world from Schleswig-Holstein. Thanks to the partnership between the cities and regions of Kiel and San Francisco, Schleswig-Holstein has gained enormous potential. The association The Bay Areas e.V. supports the partnership by connecting people and organizations in the regions of San Francisco, Kiel and Schleswig-Holstein. The Start-up Association SH helps start-ups to implement their ideas. The Marketing Club Schleswig-Holstein helps companies to communicate their ideas. Together with the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Transport, Employment, Technology and Tourism of Schleswig-Holstein, the three clubs have organized a state-wide competition OVERFLYER for young innovative start-ups from Schleswig-Holstein, the application phase of which has started for the first time and runs until May 31, 2018.

The common goal is for more people in Schleswig-Holstein to set up successful growth companies. This year, for the first time, they are organizing the state-wide start-up competition OVERFLYER out. For the winners, this means participation in the next business delegation trip to San Francisco, which will take place from August 25 to 31, 2018. They will also benefit from extensive networking with representatives from business, science and politics.

Innovative start-ups that are no more than three years old and based in Schleswig-Holstein can take part. Each start-up sends a letter of motivation and a pitch deck to the organizers. Six finalists will be selected from all the submissions to compete in the final of the competition on June 29, 2018 under the watchful eye of the Schleswig-Holstein Minister of Economic Affairs and a top-class jury. OVERFLYER contest in 2018.

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In the brewery quarter 5
D-24118 Kiel